In the Corporate World and Public Sector Context…
… we are engaging in a wide variety of different projects. Please find below examples from recent years.

The CEO of Imerys Graphite & Carbon invited Bettina to design and deliver the content for a 2-day leadership conference on ‘Leading Innovation’.

A speakers bureau identified Bettina as ideal candidate to provide stimulating and thought provoking input at a pre-workshop dinner of the leadership team.

“Innovation, Leadership and Sustainability” was the title of the session Bettina contributed virtually to a team building session of Steelcase’s Global Sustainability Team.

DKE, the German Commission for Electrotechnic asked Bettina to put together a 1 1/2 day workshop to design scenarios for the future of norming in the electronic industry in Germany.

At a gathering of senior managers Bettina was asked to share her insights on the role that diversity and collaboration within (and without) organisations plays in creating an innovation culture at.

“Reaching for the Stars – Discovering new Trajectories” – Lloyds Register Lloyd’s Register’s Group Safety & Business Assurance Director asked Bettina to deliver a 1/2 day session for her global quality team, wanting them to think about how to be more creative and collaborative in shaping the organisation’s future.

The Estonia Government invite Bettina to give a key note at their Annual Conference of Top Civil Service of Estonia on the topic of “How to lead for Innovation”.

At the Met’ Office’s ’Innovate & Create week Bettina contributed a session titled “Innovation – what it’s got to do with YOU!” to help understand that everyone has a role to play in innovation.
For two consecutive years Bettina delivered a series of 3 interconnected yet independent 1-day workshops for members of the British Quality Foundation under the themes: “Understanding the Innovation Ecosystem”, “Identifying, managing and selecting innovation opportunities”, and “Creating an infrastructure for innovation”.

On behalf of DEUSTO Business School Bettina contributed 3 hour sessions on the challenges of “Innovation – Why, What. How” to “Strategic Support Programme”, a mandatory programme for global executives of Banco Sandander.

Bettina was invited to design and deliver a 2-day workshop that would allow AMP’s Senior Management to experience and therefore better understand, the challenges of radical innovation. Drawing on the design thinking methodology Bettina created a highly interactive event for Senior Managers of AMP, and invited guests for collaboration partners and suppliers.

At their launch event of their International Women’s Network EADS invited Bettina to deliver a keynote that would explore “Creating a future: through innovation, through diversity”.

For its annual Senior Manager meeting the York and North Yorkshire Probation Trust wanted to focus on what it takes in terms of leadership behaviour and actions to create a climate where innovation can thrive. Bettina designed and delivered a 1-day event that enabled participants to understand conditions in which innovation can thrive, and their role in creating it.

As in many organisations, Senior Management had identified innovation as a key driver for the organisation’s future. Yet a deep understanding of what it would take – particularly from Senior Management – to create the conditions for innovation could thrive was missing. Bettina deliver a 1-day workshop to engage and align Senior Managers on this.

To kick-start the journey to create a more innovative and flexible organisation where people feel enabled and confident to proactively identify opportunities for improvement, change and innovation in order to create better value for customers, employees, and therefore the organisation as a whole, the MD of Wolters & Kluver invited Bettina to deliver a key note to the entire organisation.

Mattel approached Bettina after they had identified innovation as a main driver for achieving the company’s ambitions growth targets. They had recognised that a successful quest for (more) innovation would required a shift in the prevailing mindset which, as in so many organisations, was focused on cost cutting, efficiency improvements and risk avoidance. Bettina proposed a 3-pronged approach that would help to create an innovative organisation – rather than one with pockets of innovation: starting at the top to create and shared understanding and vision, engaging middle managers in identifying projects that would facilitate their buy-in, and involving all staff in the execution of these projects.