Come on Britain, get creative (or why the arts can save us from robots)

Home / Wisdom of others / Come on Britain, get creative (or why the arts can save us from robots)

With this post we would like to draw your attention to an article written by Piers Linney, co-CEO of Outsourcery and trustee of Nesta, where he highlights why it is important for Britain to exploit its creative potential drawing on figures gained from a recent report from Nesta. This is what we like most of his article;

Adding creativity to our work will save jobs from automation, be it robots in manufacturing or software taking over admin roles in the next years and decades. If you’ve got a job sifting through data or doing basic administration, it’s highly likely a robot will take that role in the next decade or so.

The future of our economy, where most of our GDP will be created, is high-tech, and that’s creative too. Writing code requires imagination. You can give anyone a pile of bricks, but they’re not going to build St Paul’s Cathedral. It takes creativity and an ability to translate vision into a working reality.

You can read the full article here.

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