The PancakeBot 3-D Prints Your Breakfast

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We have always been absolutely fascinated by the power and potential of 3d printing, but we didn’t expect to get it served for breakfast too. This is what the new 3-D printer PancakeBot does. It will take any motif weather it is a picture of a kitten or of President Obama, and turn it into a fluffy, edible masterpiece.

Designer Miguel Valenzuela said it took him a while to develop the final prototype, but he realised that he was able to fascinate his daughters about engineering while pursuing the project, so he kept going.

After four years of improving the design and countless pancakes, the final version was launched through a Kickstarter campaign. Why not impress your friends at brunch with the PancakeBot for $299 ($179, through Kickstarter)?

Valenzuela sees his PancakeBot as an example of the first wave of 3-D-printed food, which he thinks will eventually evolve. At the ILF we are excited to report about further examples in this area…

Original article published on Fast Company on the 11th of March 2015. Read the full article here.

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