The Definition of Leadership for a New Generation

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Your kid’s boss isn’t going to resemble the one you reported to the first day of your job.

With this recent article written by Jennifer Miller, writer and leadership development consultant, we would like to offer new insights on the definition of leadership as societal expectations of the workplace, fed by economic and demographic trends, are morphing the leadership job description. Read below our favourite insights.

The lure of fancy titles and senior management perks no longer provides a draw for the majority of the up-and-coming generation.

According to the global workforce study, “46 percent of companies said ‘leadership’ was the skill hardest to find in employees.” Moreover, respondents said filling executive leadership positions was especially difficult.

If those in charge of succession planning—typically human resources directors and senior management—were to redefine “leadership,” would they then suddenly find more qualified candidates for their pipeline?

Leadership must still exist, even in a primarily self-directed workplace. But it will look different than we currently see in the majority of leaders today. Tomorrow’s leaders must:

  • Understand that leadership in this new way of working is fluid; they may be asked to step aside and let others lead.
  • Learn to lead without the crutch of a title.
  • Connect their company’s mission to the greater good.
  • Gain comfort with a workforce that shifts continually.
  • Fully support employee development—and the technology to enable just-in-time learning.
  • Connect the dots for employees by saying “here’s how what you do affects our mission.”
  • Provide real-life, immediate opportunities to contribute rather than expecting employees to pay their dues.

Read the full article

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